jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

SOLILÓQUIOS- Porto (Portugal)

​Rua das Carmelitas, 100, 3ºe
916339914 - Luís Baptista



Quarta, 17 abril, 21h
William Parker, contrabaixo solo
Hamid Drake, percussão solo
Parker / Drake duo

20 euros

William Paker:
"The most consistently brilliant free jazz bassist of all time" Villace Voice

"One of the 50 Greatest New York Musicians of All Time.” Time Out New York 
"Exhibits a fearlessness, double-bass virtuosity and tough lyricism that perhaps makes him the closest bassist/composer equivalent to the late Charles Mingus." The Guardian 

Hamid Drake:
Melhor Percussionista do Ano 2010, 2014, 2016, 2017 e 2018 - Downbeat"One of the most articulate and linguistically advanced musicians on the circuit " The Wire 
"By the close of the 1990s, Hamid Drake was widely regarded as one of the best percussionists in improvised music." Drummerworld

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